Hi Doug! Do you agree with this statement by Tony "Microsoft is spending 4 billion dollars to deploy the next generation datacenter for ChatGPT4."? In case you r aware I would love to know capex on a similar capacity traditional datacenter. I.e., I am trying to ascertain what is the delta in capex between next generation datacenter & current datacenter. Thank you.

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There hasn't been specifics as far as I know, but i do know its over a billion and they will give more information when its out


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Thank you very much

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Thank you. Very interesting. Audit is a bummer. If memory serves me right Sutardja family had audit issue at Marvel too.

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Interesting guy. Thanks for doing the interview. Do you happen to know what the significant differences are between the LSE traded shares and the OTC shares? It looks like the OTC shares have performed better over the last year or so.

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OTC shares are US ADR, and are way more illiquid. Probably accounts for pounds to dollar conversion.

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