Would this make retail data centers more attractive as opposed to wholesale data centers?

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Hey - really late to this. I am *unsure*

the custom stacks of wholesale really help, retail could help alleviate it, but i don't know the dynamics there.

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Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but the takeaway is get long AVGO and MRVL?

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The real takeaway was get long IPHI - but have to consider the price. No strong opinions on either at this moment

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with IPHI+Innovium+CAVM+legacy MRVL ethernet assets no one wanted in the datacenter + a future laser acquisition + $1b R&D then MRVL will be able to compete strongly against AVGO in copackaged optics

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1000% especially w/ AVGO's notorious underinvestment in semis for a few years. MRVL really does feel like AVGO again.

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This post is one your best.

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post it on twitter then coward (i agree it was a good one)

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!RemindMeSaturday And I will :p

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