Oct 10, 2021Liked by Doug O'Laughlin

Intel won't buy them, they don't do production that way (copy exact). 10 year veteran of semi field, worked for gf for 5. Company started out OK but had a lot of difficulties with ramp and bad deals leading to decreased margins and stalled tech (Rip 7nm. Does anyone remmber 20nm). Then came the final nail in the coffin, IBM ''purchase''. Taking on employees that failed before and putting them in key positions to fail again. From SH to fellows (where do you think Tom came from). It wont get better.

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This is really helpful - thanks for the color.

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Would this handicap AMD since AMD sources still most of its non leading edge capacity from GF? If GF falls behind further and further cuts R&D, could this drag down AMD?

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Can't wait for INTC to buy them!

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